Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lazy Days.

So it's been a while. Blame the Doctor. He's had me running all over the bloody place, bloody library. Anyway, after a dramatic visit to a 51st Century Library on a planet called, well, the Library, the Doctor decided we needed a lazy day.

I say lazy...

I woke up feeling a little seasick. My bed was rocking. I opened my eyes slowly to the sight of the Doctor jumping up and down on my bed chanting "Donna... wake up..." like an impatient child. So I pulled myself out of bed with a groan and headed into the kitchen - he wanted breakfast.

After breakfast, the Doctor and I decided to go and play in the wardrobe. First, I dressed up like a news reader:

Then I dressed up like a 70s news reader:

Then I dressed as a builder:

Then I put on my wedding dress that I'd worn the first time I met the Doctor:

And then, just for fun, I dressed up as the Doctor:

Anyway, that's enough for now. Next time I'll tell you about when we met a gladiator:

Monday, January 12, 2009

27th February 1917

I know it’s been a while. I’m RUBBISH at keeping in touch. Worse, even, than Rose. Sometimes it’s hard, though. You forget what you want to tell people about and sometimes you just have far too much fun. Anyway, here we are. This one is short, as it wasn’t exactly dangerous, but it was amazing.

“2917.. St. Petersberg. The grand finale of Vlad Resouski’s four day opera marvel” The Doctor grinned at me, grabbing his coat and heading for the TARDIS door. I laughed, pulling on my own coat and following him.

“So where to?” I looked at him, smiling, before catching the look on his face, which caused my smile to disappear “What is it?”

“I undershot…” a light grin returned to his face, and he glanced at a bunch of torch wielding strangers

“Which means?”

“We’re in Russia… in St. Petersberg.. but in 1917. Year of, and slap bang in the middle of, the Russian Revolution.. And of course… it’s called Petrograd right now…”

“Oh well, that’s very nice” I sighed, before rolling my eyes at the, now grinning, Time Lord. This is typical life with the Doctor. Getting involved in revolutions. Still, I trust him with my life.

He grabbed my hand and we ran away from the afore mentioned torch wielding strangers. The Doctor glanced around before pulling me along the river’s edge, towards a large palace:

“Are we part of this?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. He shook his head.

“No, but this is history in the making… Just watch” He pulled me to the palace and we stood by the gates, watching, half in horror, as the Russian Revolution took place before our very eyes.

And here's a picture the Doctor took of me after telling this joke:
Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 8 9

Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm so sorry!!

Gah. Ok. I haven't written a blog for ages. I know. I suck. Forgive me?

So much has been going on. We have just dropped Martha off back home in London, after the dramatic events which unfolded upon Messaline, when we met Jenny, the Doctor's Daughter, a genetically made soldier, grown from the Doctor's own DNA. It was a very bizarre, and very saddening turn of events.

Anyway, onto happier times. I promise I'll write more in future

Friday, November 7, 2008

November 9th 1989

Today the Doctor and I decided to have a history lesson. So where did we go? Germany. November 9th 1989. Now, I was actually alive on this date, but I was 15 and in Chiswick and the events which occurred in Germany, or more specifically Berlin, meant absolutely nothing to me in my selfish little world.

But today, we arrived at, oh, 11am? Spent the day in West Germany. I even made an effort to fit in, look:

Anyway, so the Doctor and I hung around in West Germany for a few hours, speaking with locals, finding out about life with the wall. We had landed on the "good side" meaning that there was no communism, and people were relatively happy.

As it grew dark, the Doctor and I joined our new friend Ralf and Ingrid to watch a press conference given by Günter Schabowski who announced in a live broadcast international press conference that, effectively, all rules for travelling abroad were lifted, in effect "immediately". The Doctor then explained to me that this was a misunderstanding, and that Schabowski was handed a note that said that East Berliners would be allowed to cross the border with proper permission but given no further instructions on how to handle the information. These regulations had only been completed a few hours earlier and were to take effect the following day, so as to allow time to inform the border guards. Nothing was supposed to happen until November 10th.

The Doctor grinned at me, that grin which says "Here we are, Donna Noble, sat in the middle of History itself." and luckily at this point I was happy that, unlike Pompeii, we'd had nothing to do with it (though he later informed me that he had, in his past, with Rose, helped persuade them to lift the ban on travelling. That could really only be expected though).

He dragged me out onto the street and in the direction of the wall, where they'd already begun pulling it down. The Doctor took this photo:

It really WAS brilliant to watch!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

He hacked me.


Oh he is so paying for that!

And I so AM flying the TARDIS again. She likes me flying her. She said so. The Time Vortex, however, isn't as big a fan of my TARDIS flying.

Anyway, today we travelled back in time to the 1960's and landed in Hawaii, where we met, you'll never believe it, Elvis Presley. In the flesh! He was in the middle of filming Blue Hawaii and the set had somehow become overrun with what the Doctor called "Graskes". They were mucking up the set, making practical jokes and whatnot.

The Doctor ended up covered in honey and feathers, which was rather unfortunate, as he was wearing shorts, and the honey got stuck all over his hairy manly legs. VERY amusing when he tried to wash it off. He now has bald patches.

I am giggling, watching him pick honey off the weirdest places.

Friday, October 24, 2008


I hid that TV, Donna's just the only one pushy enough to find it.

Not that.. that's a bad thing. No brilliant thing, lovely Donna is. Oh yes. And just because I don't laugh like a dying hyena doesn't mean I don't find things funny.

And the chickens were brilliant.

Here's a sign she missed, even though I am fairly convinced you'd have to be a master in Grenvese yoga to master some of these.

And for the record. I don't sing.

This is the Doctor by the way. And Donna's never flying the TARDIS again.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Catray 7

Today was… bizarre. Honestly, bizarre.

I sat in the TARDIS, flicking through the TV (yes, Rose, there’s a TV) and watching old movies, musicals mostly, which disturbed the Doctor greatly (or so he says.. he WAS singing along. Mainly to Grease). The Doctor turned to me halfway through “Beauty School Drop Out” and said

“We’re here”

“Where?” I raised an eyebrow. I wasn’t sure we had actually been GOING somewhere.

“You’ll see” he smiled, pulling me up by the hands and dragging me to the doors.

We stepped outside onto the planet Catray 7 and I glanced around. Within MINUTES, I was in giggles. There were so many bizarre signs around.

We had landed on a beach, and the first sign to catch my attention, was this one:

I was in stitches and the Doctor rolled his eyes and we walked to the stretch beside the beach, where I spotted another amusing sign:

We walked into a nearby café, and sat at the bar, was a rather beautiful cat. Within a few minutes, a waiter had come over and blocked my view of the cat. The Doctor ordered us some drinks, which were apparently the best hot chocolates in the universe, and the waiter flew off (literally.. he had wings) to the kitchen. I glanced back at the cat, and had to refrain from laughing.

Oh it was a fun day. We wandered around and the Doctor gave me a guided tour of some famous streets, in which battles, and legendary moments took place, and we came across THIS amusing sight:

Even the Doctor laughed at that.

Anyway, so we went back to the TARDIS, and the Doctor decided he was taking a break for a while (to watch the end of Grease) and I could fly the TARDIS.. though I nearly crashed, and gained this look: