Sunday, October 26, 2008

He hacked me.


Oh he is so paying for that!

And I so AM flying the TARDIS again. She likes me flying her. She said so. The Time Vortex, however, isn't as big a fan of my TARDIS flying.

Anyway, today we travelled back in time to the 1960's and landed in Hawaii, where we met, you'll never believe it, Elvis Presley. In the flesh! He was in the middle of filming Blue Hawaii and the set had somehow become overrun with what the Doctor called "Graskes". They were mucking up the set, making practical jokes and whatnot.

The Doctor ended up covered in honey and feathers, which was rather unfortunate, as he was wearing shorts, and the honey got stuck all over his hairy manly legs. VERY amusing when he tried to wash it off. He now has bald patches.

I am giggling, watching him pick honey off the weirdest places.

Friday, October 24, 2008


I hid that TV, Donna's just the only one pushy enough to find it.

Not that.. that's a bad thing. No brilliant thing, lovely Donna is. Oh yes. And just because I don't laugh like a dying hyena doesn't mean I don't find things funny.

And the chickens were brilliant.

Here's a sign she missed, even though I am fairly convinced you'd have to be a master in Grenvese yoga to master some of these.

And for the record. I don't sing.

This is the Doctor by the way. And Donna's never flying the TARDIS again.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Catray 7

Today was… bizarre. Honestly, bizarre.

I sat in the TARDIS, flicking through the TV (yes, Rose, there’s a TV) and watching old movies, musicals mostly, which disturbed the Doctor greatly (or so he says.. he WAS singing along. Mainly to Grease). The Doctor turned to me halfway through “Beauty School Drop Out” and said

“We’re here”

“Where?” I raised an eyebrow. I wasn’t sure we had actually been GOING somewhere.

“You’ll see” he smiled, pulling me up by the hands and dragging me to the doors.

We stepped outside onto the planet Catray 7 and I glanced around. Within MINUTES, I was in giggles. There were so many bizarre signs around.

We had landed on a beach, and the first sign to catch my attention, was this one:

I was in stitches and the Doctor rolled his eyes and we walked to the stretch beside the beach, where I spotted another amusing sign:

We walked into a nearby café, and sat at the bar, was a rather beautiful cat. Within a few minutes, a waiter had come over and blocked my view of the cat. The Doctor ordered us some drinks, which were apparently the best hot chocolates in the universe, and the waiter flew off (literally.. he had wings) to the kitchen. I glanced back at the cat, and had to refrain from laughing.

Oh it was a fun day. We wandered around and the Doctor gave me a guided tour of some famous streets, in which battles, and legendary moments took place, and we came across THIS amusing sight:

Even the Doctor laughed at that.

Anyway, so we went back to the TARDIS, and the Doctor decided he was taking a break for a while (to watch the end of Grease) and I could fly the TARDIS.. though I nearly crashed, and gained this look:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ertan 3?

So we open the door of the TARDIS and step on to what we believe is Ertan 3.. but it's not.

In fact, the Doctor has gotten himself so... screwy (technical term apparently).. due to the Time Eddy, that he didn't realise we'd actually landed.. outside Earl's Court Station in London.

So we step out, and look around, and the Doctor closes and locks the door behind us. Only once we've walked 20 feet, does a young blonde girl, about 5 or 6 years old try to get inside

She couldn't get in, though, so the Doctor and I just left her to try, while we got a taxi to Chiswick, and had a cup of tea with Gramps.

After that, we just went back to the TARDIS, had a few drinks, played 'Pin the tale on the donkey' and this card game we invented back at the library that time. The Doctor, however, is a terrible winner:

Monday, October 20, 2008


I decided to sleep tonight. Snuggled up in bed and everything. But did I manage to get more than 5 hours sleep? Not a chance.

The TARDIS lurched, and I jumped out of bed. It honestly felt like we'd hit a giant rock or something. So in I padded into the console room, and looked at the Doctor with a frown. And he merely goes "What?"
"What? What was that about?"
"Time Eddy" he grinned, and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm going for a shower!" I decided "Do NOT cause me to fall out of it, yeah?" I gave him a look somewhere between amusement and seriousness.

After I was showered and dressed, I came back down to the TARDIS console room, and gave him a smile, but he was too busy looking at something on the screen, which had caused him to look all concerned:

It was then that I noticed..
"You've changed your suit!"
He looked up "What?"
"You changed your suit... You were wearing blue when I went in the shower"
He rolled his eyes "Donna... Why are you talking about my suit?"
I shrugged "Why do you always wear the same two? Don't you have others?"
"I have a tuxedo... it's a little cursed.. but my wardrobe is, well, actually you've taken over two thirds of it." he replied. I shrugged
"What's going on anyway?"
Then he explained that we'd hit a little snag and wouldn't be landing for another 3 hours or so, when the closest planet would be Ertan 3, which was apparently a planet of little furry creatures who thought the Doctor was some kind of God.

He put the TARDIS on Autopilot, and we went to tidy up the wardrobe, as he'd been complaining about it for months. Anyway, once we were there, I couldn't resist but make the Doctor try on some crazy outfits:

I decided the white coat actually suited him very well, but he said he preferred his brown coat, so we agreed to disagree, just as the TARDIS lurched and gave us a warning that we were due to land.

Well this has gotten long. I shall tell you about Ertan 3 tomorrow

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tudor England

So today, The Doctor decided we were going back, waaaay back, to 1533, and I, being me, merely shrugged and said "Alright..."

So off we go to 1533, Tudor England, the court of King Henry VIII.

We landed outside Whitehall, which the Doctor informed me now belonged to the King.

We were announced by some blonde guy who I didn't know. The Doctor didn't know him either, so I didn't feel especially bad about not knowing him.

We met King Henry and Anne Boleyn (who is so pretty in person, I swear, you'd love her. She's charming too). I also happened to meet Jane Seymour, who was rather plain, seriously plain, she looked like a little mouse. This was my face when I saw the woman that would replace the brilliant Anne Boleyn:

I nearly blew a hole in Time and Space by warning Anne about her, but the Doctor gave me a firm kick under the table, and a look like this:

So I didn't.

All in all, we had a lovely day. We even got to meet Queen Elizabeth I, who was not Queen Elizabeth I at this point, but Princess Elizabeth, the 13 day old child, who the Doctor told me would grow up to dislike him. He still doesn't know why.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


The Doctor? Hacking MY blog? Oh he's in for it. SOOO in for it.

Anyway. Today he took me to an art gallery. Yes. An ART gallery. When we arrived, we had a conversation that went something like this:

Me: Two and a half billion light years, and you've brought me to an art gallery?
Him: Two and a half million and it's not just an art gallery
Me: If you're going to tell me it's not just an art gallery because it's got a shop that sells fridge magnets..
Him: It might
Me: You are so transparent.

So yeah, he took me to an art gallery. Then I was kidnapped. Why am I always kidnapped? Anyway, yeah, these weird alien freaks tried to break my fingers. Then we became involved in this whole chase, the Doctor following me in another space ship. It was alright really, and at one point we came across a race of beings who worshipped me. Honestly. Called me the Ginger Goddess. True Story.

All in all, the Doctor saved the day... with a little help from me.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Donna didn't give me her password I figured it out for myself. Yes, I am just that brilliant. Though, well, to be fair it wasn't all that hard to figure out. Just a basic knowledge of Donna Noble would make it obvious that her password is clearly... oh, I suppose I shouldn't tell everyone. Not everyone HAS a basic knowledge of Donna Noble. Anyway, I digress, tend to do that from time to time.

Oh yes, this is the Doctor by the way. I presume no other introduction is necessary. You can look me up in the gigantic library in the sky... though, actually, don't recommend going there. Ever. Got a bit of an infestation problem.

Anyway (trying that again), Donna screams too much. Really, the cold is nothing to get worked up over, now I understand that her human physiology is a bit more rubbish than mine is, being superior and all, but still, she's got that lovely coat that should keep her all bundled up, not to mention sixteen other pieces of luggage filled with everything under all the suns.

And I only send her away to protect her. Is that such a hard concept? I mean really, I do all these amazingly self sacrificing things for these people and all they ever do is whinge away about being left behind!

But the TARDIS loves you too Donna, I asked. She said you're one her favourite companions ever. She never quite forgave Romana for putting a hole in the console.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Planet 1.

Well, today was eventful, to say the least.

Distress signal. DISTRESS SIGNAL he tells me, and then lets me run out of the TARDIS and into, yes, snow.

I screamed.

He laughed.

So, stuck in the Antartic, we came across some explorers who had discovered a frozen alien beneath the sea. An alien. So what did they do? Oh yeah, they defrosted it. Big green alien and their brilliant idea was to defrost it. Honestly, even I wouldn't do that!

Anyway, next thing we know, the alien is alive and has broken free, and the Doctor runs in to fight it, leaving me behind. (I know, how rude!). 15 minutes later, I run into the room, and he hands me a bracelet, and tells me to press the button on it, which I do... and where do I end up? In a hotel, off a roundabout, where there are not other guest, and nothing to do.

I could have killed the Doctor, but then this handsome blonde guy showed up and all was forgiven, until I realised he was a scumbag. After that, I decided to sleep. Then, the Doctor turned up. Actually two Doctor's turned up and a whole series of events occurred.

It turned out that we'd never actually landed on Earth at all and were, in fact, on a planet known as Planet 1, where anything you want can be created out of thin air, and the guy who ran the planet (that would be that blonde guy) wanted the Doctor in his trophy room. How nice of him.

All in all, I ended up safely back in the TARDIS. How I love the TARDIS. I'm never leaving her again... until we go somewhere warm.

Here's me and the TARDIS:

And me IN the TARDIS, with the Doctor:

Monday, October 6, 2008

So then...

Donna Noble, Super Temp.


Yes, Super Temp. How that title amuses me, but it was one given to me by a dear friend of mine known as the Doctor. Yes, it is pretty egotistical to go around calling yourself something like "The Doctor" but he's brilliant. Truly Brilliant. Don't tell him I said that, though.


So then. Where to begin? The Doctor and I arrived in India today. I told him I fancied a curry, and where does he bring me? Calcutta in 1947, though he thought it was 1937, still, no one's perfect. We did get to meet Ghandi, though, so it wasn't all bad, even if I did lose my new sandles, and somehow get caught up in a near civil war. Suppose it can only be expected, travelling with the Doc.
