Monday, October 20, 2008


I decided to sleep tonight. Snuggled up in bed and everything. But did I manage to get more than 5 hours sleep? Not a chance.

The TARDIS lurched, and I jumped out of bed. It honestly felt like we'd hit a giant rock or something. So in I padded into the console room, and looked at the Doctor with a frown. And he merely goes "What?"
"What? What was that about?"
"Time Eddy" he grinned, and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm going for a shower!" I decided "Do NOT cause me to fall out of it, yeah?" I gave him a look somewhere between amusement and seriousness.

After I was showered and dressed, I came back down to the TARDIS console room, and gave him a smile, but he was too busy looking at something on the screen, which had caused him to look all concerned:

It was then that I noticed..
"You've changed your suit!"
He looked up "What?"
"You changed your suit... You were wearing blue when I went in the shower"
He rolled his eyes "Donna... Why are you talking about my suit?"
I shrugged "Why do you always wear the same two? Don't you have others?"
"I have a tuxedo... it's a little cursed.. but my wardrobe is, well, actually you've taken over two thirds of it." he replied. I shrugged
"What's going on anyway?"
Then he explained that we'd hit a little snag and wouldn't be landing for another 3 hours or so, when the closest planet would be Ertan 3, which was apparently a planet of little furry creatures who thought the Doctor was some kind of God.

He put the TARDIS on Autopilot, and we went to tidy up the wardrobe, as he'd been complaining about it for months. Anyway, once we were there, I couldn't resist but make the Doctor try on some crazy outfits:

I decided the white coat actually suited him very well, but he said he preferred his brown coat, so we agreed to disagree, just as the TARDIS lurched and gave us a warning that we were due to land.

Well this has gotten long. I shall tell you about Ertan 3 tomorrow

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