Thursday, October 9, 2008

Planet 1.

Well, today was eventful, to say the least.

Distress signal. DISTRESS SIGNAL he tells me, and then lets me run out of the TARDIS and into, yes, snow.

I screamed.

He laughed.

So, stuck in the Antartic, we came across some explorers who had discovered a frozen alien beneath the sea. An alien. So what did they do? Oh yeah, they defrosted it. Big green alien and their brilliant idea was to defrost it. Honestly, even I wouldn't do that!

Anyway, next thing we know, the alien is alive and has broken free, and the Doctor runs in to fight it, leaving me behind. (I know, how rude!). 15 minutes later, I run into the room, and he hands me a bracelet, and tells me to press the button on it, which I do... and where do I end up? In a hotel, off a roundabout, where there are not other guest, and nothing to do.

I could have killed the Doctor, but then this handsome blonde guy showed up and all was forgiven, until I realised he was a scumbag. After that, I decided to sleep. Then, the Doctor turned up. Actually two Doctor's turned up and a whole series of events occurred.

It turned out that we'd never actually landed on Earth at all and were, in fact, on a planet known as Planet 1, where anything you want can be created out of thin air, and the guy who ran the planet (that would be that blonde guy) wanted the Doctor in his trophy room. How nice of him.

All in all, I ended up safely back in the TARDIS. How I love the TARDIS. I'm never leaving her again... until we go somewhere warm.

Here's me and the TARDIS:

And me IN the TARDIS, with the Doctor:

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