Monday, October 6, 2008

So then...

Donna Noble, Super Temp.


Yes, Super Temp. How that title amuses me, but it was one given to me by a dear friend of mine known as the Doctor. Yes, it is pretty egotistical to go around calling yourself something like "The Doctor" but he's brilliant. Truly Brilliant. Don't tell him I said that, though.


So then. Where to begin? The Doctor and I arrived in India today. I told him I fancied a curry, and where does he bring me? Calcutta in 1947, though he thought it was 1937, still, no one's perfect. We did get to meet Ghandi, though, so it wasn't all bad, even if I did lose my new sandles, and somehow get caught up in a near civil war. Suppose it can only be expected, travelling with the Doc.


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